Overcoming the Challenges before an International Student


There are many challenges that an international student might have to face while venturing out to realize their dreams and plans of studying abroad. These challenges remain unprecedented if not studied about and prepared for well in advance. Some of the most common of these are the cultural differences, adjusting in the new city, financial requirements, differences in teaching methodologies, and language barrier.

So how should you plan to counter these challenges effectively? Well, we’ll take the above-mentioned challenges one by one. Talking about the language barrier first, this is not the biggest of them all if you are going to study in a country which primarily speaks a language you are aware of at least to some extent for example English. Even if your mother tongue isn’t English but you have been speaking and writing English for long time, you can quite easily address this challenge then. But nevertheless, you should still give your best and brush up your skills as required before stepping foot in that foreign land for studies. This is because you are going to study there, complete assignments, take examinations, etc. and it is all the better if you can do all this with an impressive command over the language.

Next, talking about the cultural differences, these can make you uncomfortable in the new setting. But trust this, no matter how challenging it looks dealing with people from completely different cultural backgrounds, it is actually very interesting to interact. Moreover, you should never feel left out because no matter what the cultural backgrounds are, there are like-minded people everywhere who you can spot. The lifestyle and outlook may look completely different, but they are just people and once you start interacting, it will be an enjoyable experience to learn about their culture and mannerisms. This can be a beautiful journey in itself!

Financial requirements a challenge as long as either right amount of finances is not anticipated, or not arranged. An international student must consider each one-time and recurring expense they will be bearing during their studying abroad duration. This can include tuition fees, lodging, food, local transportation, home country visit during vacations, entertainment, etc. Now you may also work while studying as per the country’s guidelines and regulations regarding the same. However, you should never completely rely on the anticipated wages and must keep an extra buffer for possible situations wherein these earnings are disturbed.

Adjusting in the new city can be planned for to a great extent by studying enough about the city you are going to study in. Read about the popular landmarks, buildings, train stations, bus bays, etc. Also, you can get information on calling cards, cellular networks, lodging options, routes, grocery marts’ discount cards, local holidays, general office hours, consulates, etc. The more information you have, the easier and more enjoyable it will be for you to live there while studying.

You can also learn a lot about the difference in the teaching methodologies. The differences can be in areas such as online and offline teaching, use of technology, difference in focus on examinations and assignments, etc. Although this is something you will have to get accustomed to while studying but learning about it before leaving for your studies can increase your comfort level right from the beginning by a lot.

So, prepare well in advance for your studies abroad and have a joyous, comfortable, and a great learning and living experience while you study in a foreign land!

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